Old Professor reproduction of gouache original

from $13.00

A mashup of Picassos blue period piece “Old guitarist” and Professor Farnsworth. Painted in gouache.

Reproductions on made with archival pigmented ink on premium glossy paper. This painting is not available in matte due to matte not allowing for true black.

Different sizes of prints will cut the painting differently. For example, 5x7 is narrower than 8x10. 8x10 might cut some of the top and bottom.

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A mashup of Picassos blue period piece “Old guitarist” and Professor Farnsworth. Painted in gouache.

Reproductions on made with archival pigmented ink on premium glossy paper. This painting is not available in matte due to matte not allowing for true black.

Different sizes of prints will cut the painting differently. For example, 5x7 is narrower than 8x10. 8x10 might cut some of the top and bottom.

The super technical stuff-

Original was painted using gouache.

Reproductions are printed on 100% cotton Archival paper with pigmented ink.

All orders with a print 11x17 and larger will ship in a tube, otherwise they ship flat in a rigid not bending envelope.

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